At one of my son’s baseball games this weekend I noticed something a bit off. The kids were freaking huge. I mean 5, 7 and 150 lbs. big. A couple of the kids on the team were taller than I. This is 12 years and under baseball.
I get that some kids are bigger than others. We have a big kid on our team. But come on, some of these kids look like they could drive. I consider asking one of them if he could drop my kid off at home after the game.
I’m sure I’m wrong. I can’t imagine that any coach would purposefully play an older kid down in a younger bracket. I mean winning can’t be that important. Grown adults would never cheat, right?
Well, I’m not buying it. Those kids were huge and I’m pretty sure one of them had a five o’clock shadow. If those kids really are 12 then they need to be checked for a glandular problem, or radiation in the drinking water. I bet you my tummy tuck surgery cash these kids were older and the parents and coaches played them down to win.
I mean trying to pass these kids off as 12 is like trying to pass my size 14 butt off for a 6. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see what’s going on here. On the up side my 72 lb. kid pitched and struck one of the giants out. The kid was at least 2 and a half times his size. Good thing for the boys to learn early, size really doesn’t matter.
Lol! This is hilarious!!!